RuntimeWarning: DigMontage is only a subset of info. There are 22 channel positions not present in the DigMontage.

the channels are already present in the edf files, but i cant set the montage, i cant understand what is the problem. can someone help me


First of all, please don’t post screenshots as they can be difficult to work with depending on the device on which we read the post. Please prefer copy/paste code and traceback that you can format like this.

Those channel names are non-standard. When you create the montage with mne.channels.make_standard_montage, it uses the channel names to match the location of the channels in your data to the template.

montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage("standard_1020")
print (montage.ch_names)

Outputs the names in the template:


Which do not correspond to the names in your Raw.

I would suggest you start by re-naming your channels to the conventional names with raw.rename_chanels, and then set a standard montage with raw.set_montage.
