I have an issue where I need to realign the zero point of epochs (there is 500 ms of silence at the start of an audio event). Is there an MNE function that will allow me to do this? I thought shift_time might get me what I need, but it does not.
Do you mean that you created epochs, but now you want the epochs to include
different samples (i.e., start earlier and/or end later)? If so, you have
to go back to the Raw data and re-do epoching with different tmin/tmax
Or do you mean that the *data* in the epochs is what you want, but you just
want to change the *time labels* associated with each sample? If so,
`epochs.shift_time()` should do what you want; please say more about why it
does not get you what you need. Note that behavior of `shift_time` is
currently being changed in the development version of MNE-Python;
previously time shifts were forced to be integer multiples of the sampling
period, but soon (as soon as https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/pull/6996 gets merged) it will be
possible on the development version to shift by any arbitrary amount of