reconstruct virtual MEG channels in source-space

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Hi all,

??? I have used the dSPM algorithm to get the maximum activation point. I want to do a time-frequency analysis of the data from this maximum activation point.
So I need to reconstruct the virtual channel data for this maximum activation point, which means I can get the epoch data about this vertice. This method has mentioned in fieldtrip(, but I don't know how to make it by MNE. Someone told me that the 'mne.minimum_norm.apply_inverse_epochs' function can do it, but I don't know how to do it specifically. This function returns the stc file, which only tells me how much activation each point has at each time point.

Best wishes,


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hi Eric,

please have a look at:

using apply_inverse_epochs you can get time courses of a label / vertice in
the brain over epochs.
you can then pass this tfr_* functions.

this should hopefully help.

if you want look at power in source space you can also use DICS:
