Question about MNE source space patches


I created the source space for a subject's BEM model using:
mne_setup_source_space --subject <subject name> --ico -6 --cps --overwrite

It completed with a message saying that "Defining patches (this will take a few mins)...Node 187 does not belong to any of the patches".
It did not create the file name "oct-6p-src.fif" as it did for other subjects.
I read that it's a file with patches information. What are patches and how to deal with the said node that doesn't belong to a patch?


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External Email - Use Caution

ico6 is quite dense -- 40962 vertices per hemisphere. ico5 is already 10242
vertices per hemisphere, and oct6 -- which is the default in MNE-Python and
typically sufficient -- uses 4098 per hemisphere. Do you really need such a
dense source space? If so, you can probably get away without the `--cps`
option, since you'll have so many vertices the error of each normal
relative to the patch it represents will be diminished anyway. Then you
won't run into errors with assigning neighbors.


Thanks! I realized that oct6 can work for our purpose too.
