Pyvistaqt, Ipywidgets installed but giving error about installation

Does someone know why am i getting attached error? py310 environment is activated for sure, I restarted terminal and etc. but it is giving same error

Windows = 11

Name: mne
Version: 1.6.1
Summary: MNE-Python project for MEG and EEG data analysis.
Author-email: Alexandre Gramfort
License: BSD-3-Clause
Location: c:\users\egeme\anaconda3\envs\py310\lib\site-packages
Requires: decorator, jinja2, lazy-loader, matplotlib, numpy, packaging, pooch, scipy, tqdm

Name: pyvistaqt
Version: 0.11.0
Summary: pyvista qt plotter
Home-page: GitHub - pyvista/pyvistaqt: Qt support for PyVista
Author: PyVista Developers
License: MIT
Location: c:\users\egeme\anaconda3\envs\py310\lib\site-packages
Requires: pyvista, QtPy

Name: ipywidgets
Version: 7.8.1
Summary: IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter
Author: IPython Development Team
License: BSD
Location: c:\users\egeme\anaconda3\envs\py310\lib\site-packages
Requires: comm, ipython, ipython-genutils, jupyterlab-widgets, traitlets, widgetsnbextension
Required-by: ipydatawidgets, ipympl, itkwidgets

Can you share the output of mne.sys_info(): mne.sys_info — MNE 1.7.0.dev151+g14ff9483c documentation

I suspect you are lacking a Qt binding, one of PyQt5, PyQt6, PySide2, Pyside6


These packages were not downloaded in my environment. Yet I used “pip install x” for each of them and same error persists

Only one should be installed. Could you please share the output of sys_info?


I hope this is what you mean

(py310) C:\Users\egeme>systeminfo

Host Name: EGEMEN
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.22631 N/A Build 22631
OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
OS Configuration: Standalone Workstation
OS Build Type: Multiprocessor Free
Registered Owner:
Registered Organization: N/A
Product ID: 00330-80000-00000-AA237
Original Install Date: 24.01.2024, 07:31:41
System Boot Time: 12.03.2024, 02:43:14
System Manufacturer: MONSTER
System Model: TULPAR T5 V23.2
System Type: x64-based PC
Processor(s): 1 Processor(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel64 Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3 GenuineIntel ~2300 Mhz
BIOS Version: INSYDE Corp. 1.07.05TFB, 2.08.2023
Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
System Directory: C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device: \Device\HarddiskVolume1
System Locale: tr;Türkçe
Input Locale: tr;Türkçe
Time Zone: (UTC+03:00) İstanbul
Total Physical Memory: 16.104 MB
Available Physical Memory: 3.102 MB
Virtual Memory: Max Size: 37.253 MB
Virtual Memory: Available: 4.629 MB
Virtual Memory: In Use: 32.624 MB
Page File Location(s): C:\pagefile.sys
Logon Server: \EGEMEN
Hotfix(s): 5 Hotfix(s) Installed.
[01]: KB5034467
[02]: KB5027397
[03]: KB5033055
[04]: KB5034848
[05]: KB5035967
Network Card(s): 3 NIC(s) Installed.
[01]: Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX211 160MHz
Connection Name: Wi-Fi
DHCP Enabled: Yes
DHCP Server:
IP address(es)
[02]: fe80::a983:4617:5ff7:2e7c
[02]: Realtek PCIe GbE Family Controller
Connection Name: Ethernet
Status: Media disconnected
[03]: Bluetooth Device (Personal Area Network)
Connection Name: Bluetooth Ağ Bağlantısı
Status: Media disconnected
Hyper-V Requirements: A hypervisor has been detected. Features required for Hyper-V will not be displayed.

(py310) C:\Users\egeme>

No I mean the output of this MNE function: mne.sys_info — MNE 1.7.0.dev151+g14ff9483c documentation

Which details your environment and the versions of all MNE dependencies.


Thanks for the info

<function mne.utils.config.sys_info(fid=None, show_paths=False, *, dependencies=‘user’, unicode=True, check_version=True)>

I assume there is a problem with path, right?

edit = okay, after checking “pip show mne” in conda. It worked then i thought may be i shall delete existing notebook and created a new one. Here is new mne.sys_info() output

Platform Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0
Python 3.10.13 | packaged by Anaconda, Inc. | (main, Sep 11 2023, 13:24:38) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Executable c:\Users\egeme\anaconda3\envs\py310\python.exe
CPU Intel64 Family 6 Model 154 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel (16 cores)
Memory 15.7 GB

├☑ mne 1.6.1 (latest release)
├☑ numpy 1.22.4 (MKL 2024.0-Product with 10 threads)
├☑ scipy 1.12.0
├☑ matplotlib 3.4.3 (backend=module://matplotlib_inline.backend_inline)
├☑ pooch 1.8.1
└☑ jinja2 3.1.3

Numerical (optional)
├☑ sklearn 1.4.0
├☑ nibabel 5.2.0
├☑ nilearn 0.10.3
├☑ pandas 2.2.0
└☐ unavailable numba, dipy, openmeeg, cupy

Visualization (optional)
├☑ pyvista 0.43.4 (OpenGL 4.5.0 - Build via Intel(R) UHD Graphics)
├☑ pyvistaqt 0.11.0
├☑ qtpy 2.4.1 (PyQt5=5.15.2)
├☑ ipympl 0.9.3
├☑ ipywidgets 8.1.2
├☑ trame_client 2.16.3
├☑ trame_server 2.17.2
└☐ unavailable vtk, pyqtgraph, mne-qt-browser, trame_vtk, trame_vuetify

Ecosystem (optional)
└☐ unavailable mne-bids, mne-nirs, mne-features, mne-connectivity, mne-icalabel, mne-bids-pipeline.

/// and also I run prior code and got this output = [c:\Users\egeme\anaconda3\envs\py310\lib\site-packages\pyvista\jupyter\](file:///C:/Users/egeme/anaconda3/envs/py310/lib/site-packages/pyvista/jupyter/ UserWarning: Failed to use notebook backend: cannot import name ‘vtk’ from ‘trame.widgets’ (c:\Users\egeme\anaconda3\envs\py310\lib\site-packages\trame\ Falling back to a static output. warnings.warn(

Code =

Let’s start with that, as the sys_info reports under visualization dependencies:

unavailable vtk, pyqtgraph, mne-qt-browser, trame_vtk, trame_vuetify

Please install at least vtk and trame_vtk.

In case you are not aware, MNE provides an installer which install an entire conda environment will all its dependencies and more: MNE-Python installers — MNE 1.6.1 documentation
The created environment includes IDEs like Spyder and Jupyter for development. This installer goal is to simplifying the installation process for users and at avoiding this kind of issues with incomplete environment during manual installs.


Also it appears to be trying to use the notebook backend rather than the Qt one. You can use this to set which to use:

Depending on your graphics capabilities you might also need something like:

    antialias=False, depth_peeling=False, smooth_shading=False, multi_samples=1,