problem with sample data set: attempt to compute noise-cov fails


I am using the build I installed last October, 2.7.0, which I assume is the same build I could download now. Well, maybe not exactly, since I know edf2fiff was updated. I guess the "3106" is the build number below, and the current 2.7.0 will have a higher build number.

MNE software location set to: /Applications/MNE-2.7.0-3106-MacOSX-i386

MATLAB software location set to: /Applications

/Applications/MNE-2.7.0-3106-MacOSX-i386/bin added to PATH

/Applications/MNE-2.7.0-3106-MacOSX-i386/lib added to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH

/Applications/MNE-2.7.0-3106-MacOSX-i386/share/app-defaults/%N added to XUSERFILESEARCHPATH

I did not have an errors in the averaging. I suppose I could re-install using the latest build of 2.7.0.

