problem with do_forward_solution: cannot read the coord transform

I tried to use mne_do_forward_solution, below, but got a complaint about my transform. A dump of the transform contents looks OK to me.

I think there are some issues with which directories
mne_do_forward_solution looks for the specified trans file and it varies
with how you call the --trans option and which MNE build you are using.
I'm not sure what specifically is the issue here but I'd try the

Rename your trans file to end in -trans.fif (i.e no 2 at the end) and
place it in the same directory as the --meas file and use --trans default.

All disclaimers apply :stuck_out_tongue:


The --trans option overrides any searching. I also tried the regular -trans file and the default stored in mri/sets, same problem.

hi Jeff,

that's weird. Can you put the files somewhere to give it a try? e.g. dropbox


I haven't been able to get it to work well on my data either, but I have
been too busy to track it down. If you want an immediate solution, just
save the MRI set and use the MRI instead of the trans information.


Alexandre Gramfort wrote:

Please consult the manual section 3.11. The files read with the --trans option are text files which are not produced by MNE. This option is included mainly for backwards compatibility. Any fif file containing the head/MRI coordinate transformation is specified with the --mri option. Section 3.11. of the manual also describes how the transformation file is automatically looked up if neither --mri nor --trans is present.

- Matti


I have tried again. I re-did the coordinate alignment using mne_analyse,
as follows:

Alex, Matti, et al.,

I placed a file in my DropBox:

It has four files:

Please see my last email regarding these. Thanks,