Hello MNE Forum!
VERY green in this world, I apologize in advance for any dumb questions or reasoning.
However, VERY humble and eager to learn. I don’t have resources to take paid classes but I do have time to read, watch, learn whatever you throw at me.
If the answers are right under my nose I’m sorry to have bothered you all and grateful for any pointers in the right direction!
My name is Maria and I’m a medical student from Sweden spending the summer and autumn doing research about EEG-patterns during sleep. I have no prior knowledge about coding, python etc.
I’ve started out by:
- Creating an account on GitHub, installing Git and anaconda navigator according to some instructions from neuraldatascience.org
- Learning some absolute basic Python language by trial and error and Youtube
- Digging through the MNE Tools tutorials and experimenting with my data in Spyder
Now, the data I want to analyse is in sets of
- 19 EEG channels in a classic 1020 montage
- 4 EOG channels
- 1 ECG channel
- 4 EMG channels
With a sample frequency of 256 Hz.
Each recording represent a ~ 20-40 min nap with a few minutes awake in the beginning of every recording. While awake, the subject is instructed to do an LRLR eye movement, which they are further instructed to repeat during sleep in the occurrence of a Lucid Dream.
I want to study the patterns of different wake & sleep stages, probably focusing extra on REM-sleep and if REM-sleep patterns differ when in a Lucid Dream. I’ve found the Multitaper Toolbox from Prerau lab, which seems like a good way to visualize the data in an easily comprehensible way, and i’ve managed to plot these spectrums from some of my data.
Now, so far I have done very little preprocessing. Setting up a bandpass filter, rereferencing and removing a bad channel or two is no problem, but as soon as I start with the ICA I feel like I mess it up, I can’t really grasp what I’m reading or interpret the plots and the figures and choose wisely which components to reject. I think I can indentify artifacts from the eyes, but if I remove them, is that enough? Are all the other ICs also “disturbance” of different kinds, so I could “kill all the noise/artifacts” by removing all the ICs, or would that just remove the whole signal because the ICs represent all the components of the signal, brain activity included?
Most of the methods do the work for me, which obviously is really nice and handy, but I wanna make sure I understand what I’m doing so I don’t just end up corrupting the data and then analyse things that aren’t there or in other ways interpret it wrongly. So I turn to the tutorials and the forum, but I find it hard to sort out what is relevant in my specific case, since a lot of the information I find seem to focus on and give examples with MEG and on epoched data, while mine is EEG and continuous.
So I guess my questions are something like:
Have I explained my project enough for you to get an idea of what I want do to, or what other information would you like me to add?
Which steps of preprocessing should I include?
In terms of ICA I gather there are 3 different algorithms (fastICA, Picard and Infomax?), so far I’ve just run it with default parameters, but I think I read somewhere that Picard might be preferable to fastICA when working with EEG? Is that correct? If so - in what way?
Should I epoch the data at some point during the preprocessing-process, ie to be able to reject epochs with super-high-voltage-spikes or periods with lots of movement in the beginning of the recording for example? And if so, should I… convert it back(?) to continuous before the analysis? And if so… how?
Does it seem like a reasonable way to do this analysis all together or is there some big obvious flaw that just isn’t obvious to me based on my very minimal background knowledge in this kind of work? In that case, do you have any advice for me?
I think that’s it for a start!
If you read all the way here - thank you!!
I appreciate any advise, feedback or input of any kind
Output of "python -c “import mne; mne.sys_info()” :
Platform Windows-11-10.0.22631-SP0
Python 3.12.4 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 17 2024, 10:04:44) [MSC v.1940 64 bit (AMD64)]
Executable C:\Users\chokl\anaconda3\envs\mne\python.exe
CPU AMD64 Family 25 Model 80 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD (16 cores)
Memory 13.9 GB
├☑ mne 1.7.1 (latest release)
├☑ numpy 1.26.4 (OpenBLAS 0.3.27 with 16 threads)
├☑ scipy 1.14.0
└☑ matplotlib 3.9.0 (backend=qtagg)
Numerical (optional)
├☑ sklearn 1.5.0
├☑ numba 0.60.0
├☑ nibabel 5.2.1
├☑ nilearn 0.10.4
├☑ dipy 1.9.0
├☑ openmeeg 2.5.11
├☑ pandas 2.2.2
├☑ h5io 0.2.3
├☑ h5py 3.11.0
└☐ unavailable cupy
Visualization (optional)
├☑ pyvista 0.43.10 (OpenGL 4.6.0 Compatibility Profile Context via AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics)
├☑ pyvistaqt 0.11.1
├☑ vtk 9.3.0
├☑ qtpy 2.4.1 (PyQt5=5.15.8)
├☑ pyqtgraph 0.13.7
├☑ mne-qt-browser 0.6.3
├☑ ipywidgets 8.1.3
├☑ trame_client 3.2.0
├☑ trame_server 3.0.2
├☑ trame_vtk 2.8.9
├☑ trame_vuetify 2.6.0
└☐ unavailable ipympl
Ecosystem (optional)
├☑ eeglabio 0.0.2-4
├☑ edfio 0.4.3
├☑ mffpy 0.9.0
├☑ pybv 0.7.5
└☐ unavailable mne-bids, mne-nirs, mne-features, mne-connectivity, mne-icalabel, mne-bids-pipeline, neo