plot connectivity

  • MNE version: 1.0.3
  • operating system: macOS 11.1

Hi, I have a question about this function to plot connectivity in sensor space ( mne_connectivity.viz.plot_sensors_connectivity).

Maybe I’m missing something in this manual, but I’d like to know why not all connectivities are plotted by this function, although the connectivity of all channel combinations are fed to this plot function.

Is there any way to plot all connectivities?

Maybe @adam2392 can help :slight_smile:

the function is hard-coded to only show the strongest 20 connections:

Probably that should be a parameter of the plot_sensors_connectivity function, that users could specify. Feel free to open a feature request on the MNE-Connectivity GitHub repo about it.


Yes @oconnell_E feel free to open a GH issue regarding this. Thanks!

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link to GitHub PR that exposes the n_con parameter: [ENH] Added n_con arg to function call by Avoide · Pull Request #133 · mne-tools/mne-connectivity · GitHub

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