outer skull creation

To MNE support:

I am trying to create the BEM mesh for use in MNE. I am working solely with
EEG data, so have not access to seglab. Nor do I have the special multiecho
FLASH images. I have tried watershed first, but the outer skull surface it
gives is not useable, including most of the throat and neck volume.

Thus it seems I must try the BrainSuite program. Before I do so, has anyone
any experience like mine where FreeSurfer's watershed fails to get a good
outer skull? Do I have any hope with BrainSuite if FSrfr failed?


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hi jeff

To MNE support:
I am trying to create the BEM mesh for use in MNE. I am working solely with
EEG data, so have not access to seglab. Nor do I have the special multiecho
FLASH images. I have tried watershed first, but the outer skull surface it
gives is not useable, including most of the throat and neck volume.

yes this is known.

Thus it seems I must try the BrainSuite program. Before I do so, has anyone
any experience like mine where FreeSurfer's watershed fails to get a good
outer skull? Do I have any hope with BrainSuite if FSrfr failed?

maybe but an easier way would be to dilate the inner skull surface using
a freesurfer tool. I am not a freesurfer master but it should be possible.
Maybe someone knows or has a better suggestion on the list.
