_orig_time issue with annotations

MNE version: 1.0.1
Operating System: Windows 10

I am adding new annotations to a .fif file which already has annotations. When I re-open the plot of the file to edit or add more annotations, I find that the previous annotations have moved in time.
I suspect this has to do with my use of _orig_time. However, I am unable to pinpoint the issue. So I am requesting some assistance. Here is the function I am using to add new annotations:

def add_annot(raw, annot_file):
    if Path(annot_file).exists():
        annotations._orig_time = raw.annotations._orig_time
        list_annot_values = [tuple(annot.values()) for annot in annotations 
                                                   if annot["description"].lower() 
                                                   in ['saccade', 'clean']]
        onset, duration, description = list(zip(*list_annot_values))[:3]
        orig_annotations = mne.Annotations(onset,duration,description)
        raw.set_annotations(orig_annotations + raw.annotations)
        warnings.warn(f'Path {annot_file} not existent')

Let me know if I must clarify anything. Thank you for your time.


I think you simply need to delete that line in your code that sets the private attribute _orig_time. Simply append annotations without an orig_time set, and never manually modify private attributes (those starting with an underscore) manually unless told by a developer

Best wishes,

Hi Richard,
Thanks for your suggestion. I tried that, and it still doesn’t work. For example, when I add a new annotation to the interactive window at 12s, the saved annotations file shows the onset time at 14.6 s. Any idea why this might be happening?


Hi again,
My supervisor and I seem to have found a solution. We had to separate the annotations that were already in the file, from the new annotations being added. We did this by adding a third argument to the function:

def add_annot(raw, annot_file, orig_annots):
    if Path(annot_file).exists():
        list_annot_values = [tuple(annot.values()) for annot in annotations 
                                                   if annot["description"].lower() 
                                                   in ['saccade','clean']]
        if len(list_annot_values)==0:
        onset, duration, description = list(zip(*list_annot_values))[:3]
        file_annots = mne.Annotations(onset,duration,description)
        raw = raw.set_annotations(file_annots + orig_annots)
        warnings.warn(f'Path {annot_file} not existent')

Again, thanks for your time.


I spoke to @christian-oreilly about this, (he helped @dsrishyla troubleshoot the unexpected behavior).

Seems like when working with a raw object that has been cropped with a tmin > 0, unexpected behaviour can occur with mne.Annotations.

  1. Let’s say we have a raw file with one annotation in it.
from mne.datasets import testing
import mne

egi_fpath = testing.data_path() / 'EGI' / 'test_egi.mff'

raw = mne.io.read_raw_egi(egi_fpath, preload=True)
raw.filter(1,40)  # just for visualization
test_annot = mne.Annotations(onset=[2],duration=[2], description=['TEST'])

  1. Now if I crop the file and append a new annotation at 6 seconds.
raw2 = raw.copy().crop(tmin=1, tmax=11)  # note that tmin is > 0
raw2.annotations.append(onset=[6], duration=[2], description=['TEST2'])
raw2.plot()  # new annot TEST2 starts at 5 not 6. 

I set the onset of the new annotation at 6, but the onset is actually 5. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

  1. Then I tried just resetting the annotations.
raw2 = raw.copy().crop(tmin=1, tmax=11) 
new_annot = (onset=[6], duration=[2], description=['TEST2'])
raw2.set_annotations(test_annot + new_annot)

The new annot starts at 6, as expected. The original annotation still occurs at 2 seconds, but is actually shifted 1-second to the right in relation to the signal, compared to where it originally was in the uncropped raw object.

#2 seems like a bug

#3 maybe not a bug per se… set.annotations is doing what you ask - setting the first annotation at 2 seconds. But I could see why someone might try this and get tripped up, especially if annotations.append wasn’t working as expected like in #2. I think this is what @dsrishyla experienced!

EDIT: this example was demonstrated with mne 1.3.0

Follow up:

I just read the warning in the documentation for mne.Annotations:

when raw.info['meas_date'] is None , doing raw.set_annotations(raw.annotations) will not alter raw if and only if raw.first_samp == 0 . When it’s non-zero, raw.set_annotations will assume that the “new” annotations refer to the original data (with first_samp==0 ), and will be re-referenced to the new time offset!

Seems like that could explain the unexpected (to me) behavior described in #2 above, so I must be missing something here…