Optimal number of ICA components

  • MNE version: 1.8.0
  • operating system: Arch Linux

In any examples or guides using mne.preprocessing.ICA, the value of n_components seems to be set more or less arbitrarily, often at values around 20.

Is there any method in mne to optimize the number of components? If not, I think it should be relatively straightforward to use cross-validation, which is what I will do, but I just want to make sure I am not missing something as I am new to mne. A related question is whether there is any measure of model fit that is available? There is a variance-explained function, but unless I am missing something, there is nothing like log-likelihood or other common measures.

Hi Mark,

The number of components you select is a personal choise. As a rule of thumb you can choose as many conponents as your EEG channels, as @richard has previously pointed out (1) (2). However, note that you need to have enough data points to be able to compute that many components. As pointed out in EEGLAB’s website:

ICA works best when given a large amount of basically similar and mostly clean data. When the number of channels (N) is large (>>32), then a considerable amount of data may be required to find N components.

I agree with you that MNE-python uses only variance-explained as a measure of model fit. For other methods you will need to provide the code yourself.
