Off-line averaging to stimulus onset vs. response


I have a question about epoching using the off-line averaging process. Say I have an eventfile ?allevents.eve? that was created by saving ALL trigger line transitions in mne_process_raw. I have created a number of *.ave files which are intended to create epochs around different subsets of the events specified in the allevents.eve file. I understand and see that the format of the *.eve file is <sample><time><from><to>. Where the event is defined as going from the <from> value to the <to> value.

So my allevents.eve file contains the following <from><to> events, 0 to 10, 0 to 20, 0 to 30 (stimulus onset). It also contains the following events: 10 to 0, 20 to 0, and 30 to 0 (response).

I want to create averaged epochs around each of these six event types separately.

Consider the lock to stimulus onset case. In my *.ave files, I specify the event file and the event. Consider the case where I want to epoch around events where the trigger line goes from 0 to 10. My ?trans0_10.ave? file specifies:

eventfile allevents.eve

event 10

First question: is this specification doing what I think it is doing? That is, is it going through the allevents.eve file and only using those events for which the transition is from 0 to 10?

Second question: how do I specify, in another ave file, say ?trans10_0.ave?, to only epoch around only the events that transition from 10 to 0?

I am a little confused on the two specifications of eventfile and event in the *.ave file, and cannot quite figure it out from the manual. Sorry about that.

Thanks for any information provided!

Best Regards,

Linda Moya