(no subject)

fig = ica.plot_scores(scores, exclude=eog_inds)
                file_end= 'scores.png'
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions[x]+file_end
                print 1
                print 2

                file_end = 'sources.png'
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions[x]+file_end
                print 3
                print 4
                #del fig
                fig=ica.plot_components(eog_inds, colorbar=True)
                file_end = 'components.png'
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions[x]+file_end
                print 5
                print 6
                #del fig
                ica.exclude += eog_inds[:1]

eog_evoked = eog_epochs.average()
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions[x]+file_end
                print 7
                print 8
                #del fig
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions[x]+file_end
                print 9
                print 10
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2014-08-16 15:04 GMT+03:00 Maria Hakonen <maria.hakonen at gmail.com>:

               fig = ica.plot_scores(scores, exclude=eog_inds)
                file_end= 'scores.png'
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions+file_end
                print 1
                print 2

                file_end = 'sources.png'
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions+file_end
                print 3
                print 4
                #del fig
                fig=ica.plot_components(eog_inds, colorbar=True)
                file_end = 'components.png'
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions+file_end
                print 5
                print 6
                #del fig
                ica.exclude += eog_inds[:1]

eog_evoked = eog_epochs.average()
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions+file_end
                print 7
                print 8
                #del fig
                filename = directory+subjects[s]+sessions+file_end
                print 9
                print 10

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