No standard head model found

Hi @alexrockhill @mmagnuski . I was trying to perform coregistration for my subject, however came across the error that said:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_20764/ in <module>
----> 1 mne.gui.coregistration(subject='E:\myMRI-20220510T004802Z-001\myMRI\_my_subject', subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
      2                        inst=epochs['12'])

<decorator-gen-564> in coregistration(tabbed, split, width, inst, subject, subjects_dir, guess_mri_subject, height, head_opacity, head_high_res, trans, scrollable, project_eeg, orient_to_surface, scale_by_distance, mark_inside, interaction, scale, advanced_rendering, head_inside, verbose)

~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\gui\ in coregistration(tabbed, split, width, inst, subject, subjects_dir, guess_mri_subject, height, head_opacity, head_high_res, trans, scrollable, project_eeg, orient_to_surface, scale_by_distance, mark_inside, interaction, scale, advanced_rendering, head_inside, verbose)
    207         show = not MNE_3D_BACKEND_TESTING
    208         standalone = not MNE_3D_BACKEND_TESTING
--> 209         return CoregistrationUI(
    210             info_file=inst, subject=subject, subjects_dir=subjects_dir,
    211             head_resolution=head_high_res, orient_glyphs=orient_to_surface,

~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\gui\ in __init__(self, info_file, subject, subjects_dir, fiducials, head_resolution, head_transparency, hpi_coils, head_shape_points, eeg_channels, orient_glyphs, sensor_opacity, trans, size, bgcolor, show, standalone, verbose)
    161         self._info = info
    162         self._fiducials = fiducials
--> 163         self._coreg = Coregistration(
    164             self._info, subject, subjects_dir, fiducials)
    165         fid_accurate = self._coreg._fid_accurate

~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\ in __init__(self, info, subject, subjects_dir, fiducials)
   1351         self._setup_digs()
-> 1352         self._setup_bem()
   1353         self._setup_fiducials(fiducials)
   1354         self.reset()

~\Anaconda3\envs\mne\lib\site-packages\mne\ in _setup_bem(self)
   1388                                       high_res=False)
   1389         if high_res_path is None and low_res_path is None:
-> 1390             raise RuntimeError("No standard head model was "
   1391                                f"found for subject {self._subject}")
   1392         if high_res_path is not None:

RuntimeError: No standard head model was found for subject E:\myMRI-20220510T004802Z-001\myMRI\_my_subject

MY BEM looks like

How can I resolve the run time error?

For the subject parameter you need to pass the subject name not the path to the subject folder on your disk
