No matching events found in epochs

External Email - Use Caution


I have an error in my work that I do not really know how to correct. The
situation is the following:

I have a EDF signal with a stim channel where are locate my events, when I
print my stim channel appear the two events, and according to my protocol
are the events taken. However, in the moment when I extract the epochs come
out the error.

I hope you can help me.

Thanks in advance

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*Isabel Cristina Echeverri*
MSc Bioingenier?a
Ingeniera Biom?dica
Docente de Ingenier?a biom?dica - Electr?nica y Automatizaci?n
Universidad Aut?noma de Manizales
Tel. (57)(6)8727272 ext. 146
Manizales (Caldas) Colombia
isabelcecheverrio at

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External Email - Use Caution

The new_events you're passing to the Epochs constructor don't use the
stim channel....

To ignore missing events, look at the on_missing kwarg for Epochs().

To extract events from a stim channel, look at mne.find_events (as well
as the tutorials linked the in docs).
