- MNE version: 1.4.2
- Python version: 3.11.4
- operating system: RedHat8 Linux
I do have SEEG data collected by NK 1200A V01.00. The data were exported from NK in *.EEG format. Wanting to import the data, I tried both mne.io.read_raw_nihon() and mne.io.read_raw() after editing nihon.py based on “EEG-1200A V01.00 by jacobshaw42 · Pull Request #11431 · mne-tools/mne-python · GitHub”. The result is that running mne.io.read_raw() or mne.io.read_raw_nihon() does not give back any error; however it only reads the first channel’s name, and no SEEG signal is there when when I use the raw.get_data().
Any help will be highly appreciated.