Dear all,
I have a question regarding the use of multitapers and DICS.
As far as I know, the power spectral density using multitaper is the
mean power averaged across tapers (e.g., equation 6 in the paper from
Mitra and Pesaran
At the source level, using DICS for example, I assume that we should
compute the power for each taper and then average across tapers to get
the mean power estimate for each source.
While looking at the example on "Compute source power using DICS
however it looks like that you compute the mean cross-spectral density
averaged across tapers (which has complex values), and then you use it
to compute the power at the source level.
Is that the case ?
If yes, would it be possible to modify it so to:
1) keep the csd for each taper
2) apply the spatial filter for each taper to the channel data to
compute the source power for each taper
3) average source power across tapers
Here are the lines of code I refer to in the Example
# Computing the data and noise cross-spectral density matrices
# The time-frequency window was chosen on the basis of spectrograms from
# example time_frequency/
# As fsum is False compute_epochs_csd returns a list of CrossSpectralDensity
# instances than can then be passed to dics_source_power
data_csds = compute_epochs_csd
<>(epochs, mode='multitaper', tmin=0.04, tmax=0.15,
fmin=15, fmax=30, fsum=False)
noise_csds = compute_epochs_csd
<>(epochs, mode='multitaper', tmin=-0.11,
tmax=-0.001, fmin=15, fmax=30, fsum=False)
# Compute DICS spatial filter and estimate source power
stc = dics_source_power
<>(, forward, noise_csds, data_csds)
Thanks a lot,
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