Mounting standard for raw.set_montage

I would like to ask you for advice. I am new to this forum.

First of all, I would like to ask you guys for help on how to determine the mounting standard for raw.set_montage.
I can’t figure it out
I have:
Digitized points 69 points
66 EEG
6 MISC [‘VEOG1’, ‘VEOG2’, ‘HEOG1’, ‘HEOG2’, ‘VEOG’, ‘HEOG’]
and A1, A2

I assume that the error I am making here is causing the later lowpass / high pass / AutoReject & ICA / baseline → doesn’t clear my data properly

  • MNE version: 1.3.0
  • operating system: Windows 10
  • go/no-go experiment
  • ERP: P300 for ML


I’m sorry but I can’t make any sense of your post. What is the issue?
The montage holds the position (x,y,z) of each individual electrode of your EEG system. You can set one with raw.set_montage, for instance, the standard 10/10 system: raw.set_montage(standard_1005). You can either set a measured montage (digitize with a digitization system) or a template montage if you did not measure the exact electrode locations. Please refer to your EEG manufacturer to determine which template montage you can use. Some follow the 10/05 systems while some have their own design.


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