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- operating system: Windows 11
When I created a montage suitable for me from the standard 1020 montage, I found that the position of the leads did not match the head very well. How to make electrodes appear reasonably sparse in the human head? Instead of still having a large blank in the occipital lobe.
My code following:(The raw file has 68 channels,but I just need 60 of them.)
#drop some channels
channels_to_drop = [‘EMG’, ‘VEO’,‘M1’,‘M2’,‘EKG’,‘HEO’,‘CB1’,‘CB2’]
new_channels = [‘Fp1’,‘Fpz’,‘Fp2’,‘AF3’,‘AF4’,‘F7’,‘F5’,‘F3’,‘F1’, ‘Fz’,
original_channels = raw.ch_names
channel_mapping = {original_channels[i]: new_channels[i] for i in range(len(original_channels))}
#set montage
Form the 10-20 montage
mont1020 = mne.channels.make_standard_montage(‘standard_1020’)
Choose what channels you want to keep
Make sure that these channels exist e.g. T1 does not exist in the standard 10-20 EEG system!
kept_channels = [‘Fp1’,‘Fpz’,‘Fp2’,‘AF3’,‘AF4’,‘F7’,‘F5’,‘F3’,‘F1’, ‘Fz’,
ind = [i for (i, channel) in enumerate(mont1020.ch_names) if channel in kept_channels]
mont1020_new = mont1020.copy()
Keep only the desired channels
mont1020_new.ch_names = [mont1020.ch_names for x in ind]
kept_channel_info = [mont1020.dig[x+3] for x in ind]
Keep the first three rows as they are the fiducial points information
mont1020_new.dig = mont1020.dig[0:3]+kept_channel_info
!!! when I set ‘sphere = (0.0,0.0,0.0,0.09)’,the topomap was: