- MNE version: 1.2.1
- operating system: Windows 11
I am analyzing EEG data using MNE-Python, and I encountered a âModuleNotFoundErrorâ when processing one specific subject. This error doesnât occur with other subjects. Below is the relevant part of my code and the error traceback.
Error Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\PhD Project\05_PupilCIT\eeg_cit_analysis\batch_process.py", line 69, in <module>
File "C:\PhD Project\05_PupilCIT\eeg_cit_analysis\batch_process.py", line 43, in process_subject
au.proc_subject(subject_nr, stats=INDIV_STATS)
File "C:\Users\mayws\anaconda3\envs\elp\lib\site-packages\datamatrix\_functional\_memoize.py", line 236, in _call_without_arguments
self._fnc(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\PhD Project\05_PupilCIT\eeg_cit_analysis\analysis_utils.py", line 50, in proc_subject
sdm = extract_dm(raw, events, metadata)
File "C:\Users\mayws\anaconda3\envs\elp\lib\site-packages\datamatrix\_functional\_memoize.py", line 236, in _call_without_arguments
self._fnc(*args, **kwargs)
File "C:\PhD Project\05_PupilCIT\eeg_cit_analysis\analysis_utils.py", line 72, in extract_dm
extract_TFR(sdm, raw, t1_triggers, metadata)
File "C:\PhD Project\05_PupilCIT\eeg_cit_analysis\analysis_utils.py", line 107, in extract_TFR
tfr_epochs = eet.autoreject_epochs(raw, t1_triggers,
File "C:\Users\mayws\anaconda3\envs\elp\lib\site-packages\datamatrix\_functional\_memoize.py", line 214, in _call_without_arguments
is_cached, retval = self._read_cache(memkey)
File "C:\Users\mayws\anaconda3\envs\elp\lib\site-packages\datamatrix\_functional\_memoize.py", line 294, in _read_cache
obj = pickle.load(fd)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mne._fiff'
I also want to mention that I am using an older version of MNE-Python (1.2.1) because upgrading to the latest version introduces other compatibility issues with my existing code, such as other packages for EEG and pupil data analysis (âeeg_eyetracking_parserâ). Thus, Iâm trying to resolve this issue while staying on version 1.2.1.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!