in the documentation it is stated that whenever the “trans” parameter of mne.viz.plot_alignment (and other mne.vis.plot format functions) is None it will automatically asumes an identity matrix. but when trans is None the following error will occur:
ValueError: A head<->mri transformation matrix (trans) is required to plot head-dense surfaces in head coordinates, `trans=None` is not allowed
and when i pass the “fsaverage” as trans argument this error occurs:
RuntimeError: Could not find the transformation for fsaverage
i should note that i created the bem from terminal using “mri_watershed” command of freesurfer
and there is no .fif file in fsaverge directory and subdirectories.
my question is that what is the shape of trans so that i can make an identity matrix of it. or is there any way to get around this issue?
i am using fsaverage as a template for eeg data.
thank you so much for your time and attention
best wishes
ValueError: A head<->mri transformation matrix (trans) is required to plot a mri-coordinate source space in head coordinates, `trans=None` is not allowed