
I am trying to calculate the PSD using mne.time_frequency.psd_welch(), my code as follws:

epochs_from_file = mne.read_epochs('sub-1-post-epo.fif',preload = False)
picks = mne.pick_types(,meg=False,eeg=True)
tmin = 0.
tmax = 240.# use the first 240s of data
fmin = 8.
fmax = 13.# look at frequencies between 8 and 13Hz
sfreq =['sfreq']
alpha_mean_psd_per_epoch = mne.time_frequency.psd_welch(epochs_from_file,picks = picks,n_fft = 1024,n_overlap = 0,n_per_seg = None,
                                         tmin = tmin,tmax = tmax,
                                         fmin = fmin,fmax = fmax,
                                         window = 'hamming',
                                         verbose = False)

I encountered a problem, that is, I calculated the alpha energy of 150 segments under 62 channels, but the final result did not show the specific channel name. How do I correspond to the alpha energy under the specific channel?

Here is a more-or-less stream-of-consciousness response to reading your code. Hopefully this both gives you the information you need, and illustrates why we ask for minimal, reproducible code snippets when asking questions:

  1. I’m surprised that this code even runs, when passing bandwidth='hann'. That shouldn’t work (and if it does it’s a bug).
  2. Also where does the variable epochs come from? (the first line loads something called epochs_from_file, not epochs)… ah OK, I see that the two plotting lines are irrelevant to the question. So maybe the bandwidth='hann' does indeed fail, and those lines are leftover/cruft.
  3. tmax=240 seems odd for epochs; are they really that long? This may not be doing what you want/expect.
  4. OK, now I think I’m finally past the irrelevant distractions and seeing the real issue: psd_welch returns a tuple of (psds, freqs) as NumPy arrays; this is why in our documentation you typically see psds, freqs = psd_welch(...) (so the two return values are unpacked into separate variables). What you want is something like total power in the alpha band for a specific EEG channel (right?). Well, the psds array has shape “channels x freqs” and channels should be in the same order as your picks variable. Does that help?
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I am grateful to you for pointing out these problems. There was a data set consists of five-minute EEG recordings, obtained from 10 volunteers. I first preprocessed and extracted epochs by 2s/epoch before calculating the PSD. Therefore, epochs_from_file represents the data after extracted epochs (about 150 epochs). The EEGs were recorded from 64 electrodes as per the international 10-20 system. I want to to calculate the average alpha band of the first 140 eopchs under each electrode , that is, 64 × 1. I’m very worried that I didn’t express the problem clearly. Could you have any suggestions for solving it?

Below I assume that you’ve run something like

psds, freqs = psd_welch(epochs, picks=picks, ...)

so that you have variables psds, freqs, epochs, and picks. Here is an excerpt from the Returns section of psd_welch():

if input is of type Epochs, then psds will be of shape (n_epochs, n_channels, n_freqs).

So your task is to

  1. figure out which frequency bins in freqs are part of the alpha band. There are a few ways to do this: np.searchsorted(alpha_low, freqs) and np.searchsorted(alpha_high, freqs, side='right') is one option; something like np.nonzero(np.logical_and(freqs >= alpha_low, freqs <= alpha_high)) is another option. Let’s call the resulting indices freq_mask
  2. average across just the freqs you care about for just the epochs you care about. This should be something like psds[:140, :, freq_mask].mean(axis=(0, -1)). Let’s call the result alpha_per_chan
  3. associate the resulting values with channel names. That’s easy; the order of alpha_per_chan should match the order of picks. If picks is integers (channel indices, not channel names) then you can get the names by epochs.ch_names[picks]

Thank you for your kind help! Your suggestions successfully solved the problems. I will be happy to calculatethe PSD further based on these helpful suggestions. Thank you very much!