mne.time_frequency.psd_multitaper details


I’m trying to set-up some spectral analysis using the mne.time_frequency.psd_multitaper function, and I have some questions about the latter.

In the documentation, it is said that the default value of the bandwidth parameter is defined as “a window half-bandwidth of 4”.

  1. Is the “window half-bandwidth” similar to the “Time-half-bandwidth (TW)” (Time * bandwidth / 2) parameter, commonly used in the literature describing multitaper analysis (Prerau et al., 2017)?. This question may seem very naive but in Matlab the TW parameter is called “time bandwidth product”…

  2. If it is the case, is it possible to directly choose the value of the TW parameter, and not just the “bandwidth” ?

Thanks by advance,

All the best,

  • MNE-Python version: 0.24.0
  • operating system: Windows-10-10.0.19041-SP0


I don’t know the specifics but this code is very likely a reimplementation of the matlab code used elsewhere. It has its origin in the nitime package (Neuroimaging in Python — nitime documentation).

in doubt I would make a simulation or run the two implementations on the same data to see how it compares.


Since the TBW is unitless, I reckon the parameter ‘bandwidth’ (unit Hz) is purely the bandwidth.