MNE-Python installers download not working

I’m trying to download from here: When I click the ‘Download for Windows’ button, GitHub tells me that it could not find the page. Please can somebody advise?

Again? Damn it… :slightly_frowning_face:
Here you go for now:


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Thank you!

Actually, can you tell me if the installer includes numpy and scipy? These are dependencies for MNE-realtime, which I’m also going to need, and because I have to ask IT to install all this for me at work, I need to know some details in advance :slight_smile: .

Don;t worry, I’ve found the answer on your website (

numpy and scipy are core dependencies which will always be installed, no matter the install method (pip, conda-forge, installers).
The installers spin-up a full conda environment with all the extra-dependencies. If you use them, all MNE functionalities (and more) should work.
If you are curious, here is the list of package installed by the installers: mne-installers/construct.yaml at 29391118bd8993fcc9613b9487d2f2f32e520745 ¡ mne-tools/mne-installers ¡ GitHub (it will install all those packages, and all the dependencies required by those packages resolved by conda).

Oh, MNE-realtime is on that list! So I won’t have to install it separately after all. That’s great!