Mne-python inside virtualbox


quick question:
has anyone here successfully installed mne-python inside a virtual environment (virtualbox) and, if yes, does/did 3d-plotting with pyvista work?
I am trying right now with ubuntu as guest OS and 3d-plotting results in a seg fault.


Hello @RuKrei,

may I ask why you’re trying to do this in the first place? Why do you need this amount of encapsulation? Which operating system are you using?

Best wishes,



I wrote quite extensive analysis scripts based on mne python + bash for source localization in patients with epilepsy. I did this on my linux workstation/laptop.
My collegues use windows and mac os and have no experience in programming.
Every now and then they run into some issues, which usually results in me troubleshooting mostly operating-system-specific stuff.

As a solution I was thinking of a complete virtual environment giving me the chance to write the code once and know, that it is working for them, too.

The second best (?) option would be docker, i guess :slight_smile: - i think i even saw a public container on dockerhub…
