Is there a way to view the inverse solution to a given fif file on a
"default" brain if I don't have access to MRI data for some of my
subjects? If not, can I force the program to show it on the brain of
another subject (given that they both have a fairly similar head
geometry)? I apologize if this is answered in the manual, but I looked
through it and wasn't able to find the answer. Thanks -
To properly compute any inverse you need two things which would be lacking
in your case:
1. Anatomical information used to generate forward model
2. Co-registration between the MEG system and that anatomy
The first can be faked with anybody's brain.
The second should be carefully faked - that is, you should make an effort to
find out where the faked brain anatomy would have been if it had been that
subject being scanned. You hopefully have digitized HPI locations, and a
scalp surface from your substitute head.
Obviously the greater you deviate from "the truth" in each of the above will
result in greater estimation error in your inverse estimates.
Just to augment Daniels response, the "fsaverage" brain can also be
used as a surrogate. Section 7.19 of the MNE version 2.6 manual
alludes to this but I ran out of energy to write more detailed
instructions; a conceivable workflow is attached.