MNE-ICALabel v0.2 is released on pypi!

We’ve fixed some bugs and adding some experimental features for ICA and BIDS integration and released v0.2!


Here’s the link to the release and the changelog:

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Hi @richard ,

Thank you for sharing this lovely feature. I would like to ask you. Say I have a pair of EEG data, eg. EEG of S1 and EEG of S2, which needs to be analyzed together using hypyp library since I need to look at inter-brain synchrony between the two sets of EEG data, when I would like to apply this automatic labeling ICA, should I apply this function to each of datasets or should I use it in only on one EEG dataset, for example EEG of S1 only ?


Hello @ihgumilar, I don’t understand your question … the labeling is to help users decide whether a component should be removed or not.

For new questions, it’s always best to open a new topic.

