mne_edf2fiff error

Dear MNE users,

I am running into a problem when trying to convert and edf file into a fif file with EEG electrode coordinates. I'm using the command mne_edf2fiff as below:

mne_edf2fiff --edf MGH118_CTvsFspikes.edf --hpts MGH118.hpts --fifout MGH118_CTvsFspikes.fif

This is the output I get:

mne_edf2fiff version 1.9 compiled at Apr 26 2016 04:25:02

EDF/EDF+/BDF file (input) : MGH118_CTvsFspikes.edf
hpts file (input) : MGH118.hpts
fif file (output) : MGH118_CTvsFspikes.fif

Parsing EDF/EDF+/BDF header...[done]

Reading the digitization data from MGH118.hpts (coordinates in millimeters)...
Unknown digitizer point type :

I'm not sure what it means by unknown digitizer point type. I've checked the format of my hpts file and believe it follows the correct format. Contents of my hpts file are below. Anyone have any ideas as to what I'm missing?


Hi Dan,

The only thing I could see as potentially problematic would be the leading
zeros for the cardinal points (and making the hpi as well) in the hpts
file. I know that in the Python implementation of MNE, the hpts format is
compatible. This implementation is the most up-to-date. I know that the
original command line tools should be compatible for hpts but it is not
being actively developed anymore. Have you tried using the Python


teon <>

Hi Dan,

Probably the empty line without a leading # is causing the trouble in mne_edf2fiff

- Matti

Aha, yes it was the extra line in the hpts file causing the error. Thanks Matti!

Teon -- I have not tried the Python implementation but plan on moving over someday...

Thanks all

Dan Song
Clinical Research Coordinator
Massachusetts General Hospital Neurology Department