Mne_analysis Digest, Vol 148, Issue 7

External Email - Use Caution

Hi Alex,

Sorry if I am not clear in the question, I will reply by read color text to your answer
and please consider it because I would like to make a perfect installation, because lot of time have been lost due to my first installation, which have always error not related to mne, because the system output for mne is ok, while the erorr in numpy, matliplot, dll not found,..etc

doc says for windows:

1 Download the base environment file

External Email - Use Caution

Hi Afo,

The "environment file" is a single text file that lists the packages and versions needed. If you **download that one text file (environment.yml)** and follow the rest of Alex's instructions, you don't need to manually download the individual packages one by one; the conda command in step 4 will download them for you automatically (as long as you change directory first, to the location where you downloaded environment.yml).

-- dan
Daniel McCloy
Research Scientist
Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences
University of Washington

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