Mne_analysis Digest, Vol 131, Issue 40

External Email - Use Caution

Hello JR,

you can use to read a mat file, and then put the
corresponding information into an mne object:

This looks pretty clear;

import mne
from<> import load_mat
info = mne.create_info(32, sfreq=256., ch_types='eeg') # 32 EEG channels
sampled at 256Hz
mat = load_mat('data.mat') # matrix of32 channels x n time samples
raw = mne.RawArray(mat, info=info)
mat = load_mat('data.mat')
epochs = mne.EpochsArray(mat, info=info, tmin=-.500) # first time sample @

Here I have one questions;
Right now, I was working with math files that were carrying information about each trial and sensory (i.e., 102 mag sensors x 84 correct trials in a specific condition)
Therefore, my .mat file right now is 102 (sensors) x 84 (in that specific condition) x 1150 time points (2ms bins).

If what I have to give MNE is ONE ? mat = load_mat('data.mat') # matrix of 32 channels x n time samples ?, then I guess that I??ll need to work on weighted average files for each task condiiton
This way, my matrix will be 102 x 84 (one per each of the four conditions).

Am I correct?

Please, let me know if any additional clarification is needed;

For the anova you can check

best regards,


Alfredo Spagna, Ph. D.
alfredo.spagna at<mailto:alfredo.spagna at>
PICNIC Lab @ Institut du Cerveau
et de la Moelle e?pinie?re
Inserm U 1127, Paris, France