Meggie v1.0 release

Hello new forum!

Just to let you know / happy to announce that the graphical user interface project we started in the University of Jyväskylä in 2013, has finally become v1.0 and is released to the world. It is based on MNE-python and PyQt5. It tries not to compete with fantastic MNELAB, but to coexist. It provides simple analysis pipelines for multi-subject experiments, and has a nice plugin architecture for extending functionality. Please take a look if interested:

Any comments, suggestions, contributions, blames etc. welcome!

– Erkka


hi @Teekuningas !

maybe you can make a short screen capture video of the software so
people can get the gist of how they could use this for their analysis?


Great stuff, thanks for sharing! I’ll give it a try :muscle:

Thanks for the tip, here’s a short getting started video:

There are also tutorials with images for multi-subject analysis and plugin creation in the documentation (link in the first post).


This looks great @Teekuningas! I agree that Meggie seems to have a different focus than MNELAB, which tries to stay compatible with regular MNE-Python workflows (for example, all actions performed in MNELAB are accessible as regular Python commands in the integrated history). Since I haven’t officially announced MNELAB, would it be possible to include a link (GitHub - cbrnr/mnelab: MNELAB - a GUI for MNE) in your announcement post so that people can also check it out if they are interested? Since you already mention it, you could just add a Markdown link (MNELAB).

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