- MNE version: e.g.1.7.0
- operating system: Windows 10
Hello everyone,
I have 16 participants and I am able to do a scalpmap for each participant. However, I want to do a scalpmap with the average of the power of all the participants into only one scalpmap.
The goal is to do that for 2 different conditions, and then be able to compare both of conditions.
After all the preprocessing:
epochs = mne.make_fixed_length_epochs(rawpre_dict[f'rawpre{subject}'],duration=2,preload=True,
fmin = 0
fmax = 60
window = "rect"
sfreq = 500
n_fft = 1024
resolution = sfreq/n_fft
trai = mne.EpochsArray(epochs,epochs.info)
av = trai.compute_psd(method='welch',fmin=fmin,fmax=fmax,exclude='bads',
psds_dict[f'rawpre{subject}'], freqs = av.get_data(return_freqs=True)
psds_dict[f'rawpre{subject}'] = (av.get_data()*1e12)*resolution
psds_total[i] = psds_dict[f'rawpre{subject}']
print("Scalpmap - Subject " + str(subject))
epochs.compute_psd().average().plot_topomap(bands = {'Delta (0-4 Hz)': (0, 4),'Theta (4-8 Hz)':(4, 8),
'Alpha (8-12 Hz)': (8, 12),'Beta (12-30 Hz)':(12, 30)},cmap="seismic",colorbar=True,
Thank you in advance and I am sorry if it’s a silly question, i am still a newbie