mask for source estimate plotting

Hello community,

I used DICS beamforming to get the source estimate for a power difference between 2 conditions:

I would like to plot only the significant vertices in source space but there is no masking option as far as I can see. I wonder if there is maybe a valid reason not to only plot significantly different vertices in source space?
A second question is related to the source estimate: I would like to work with single trial power to estimate brain-behavior relationships. Can I get the source power on a single trial level?

  a_source_power, freqs = apply_dics_csd(csd_a, filter_a)
  b_source_power, freqs = apply_dics_csd(csd_b, filter_b)

   stc = a_source_power - b_source_power

    contrast_array = np.array([ for s in stc_all])

    contrast_array = np.squeeze(contrast_array) # get rid of 0 dimension

    # run permutation test over source space

    t, p, ho = mne.stats.permutation_t_test(contrast_array)

    print(sum(p < 0.05))

    # take mean over first dimension (subjects)

    contrast_mean = np.mean(contrast_array, axis=0)

    # convert array back to source estimate structure

    contrast_stc = mne.SourceEstimate(contrast_mean,
                                      stc_all[0].vertices, tmin=tmin,

    vertno_max, time_max = contrast_stc.get_peak()

    surfer_kwargs = dict(
        hemi='both', subjects_dir=subjects_dir, subject=subject,
        views='flat', initial_time=tmax, time_unit='s',
        size=(800, 800), smoothing_steps=10, surface='flat')

    brain = contrast_stc.plot(**surfer_kwargs)

    brain.add_foci(vertno_max, coords_as_verts=True, hemi='rh',
                   scale_factor=0.6, alpha=0.5)

    brain.add_text(0.1, 0.9,
                   'dics (beamforming) (plus location of maximal activation)',



Hi Carina,

Masking an STC is possible. Make a copy of the STC, set the data value of all non-significant vertices to zero, and then use stc_to_label() to create a custom label (example). Then go back to your original STC, and use stc.in_label() to restrict it to the label before plotting.

Maybe @britta-wstnr can help with the second question?

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Thank you for your help Dan. I created now the label based on my mask. I have a question though:

Here is the code I implemented (stc_all is a list that holds the the source estimate from a power difference between conditions estimate using dics beamformer for each participant):

    contrast_array = np.array([ for s in stc_all])

    # dims = 43,  8196

    contrast_array = np.squeeze(contrast_array) # get rid of 0 dimension

    # run permutation test over source space

    t, p, ho = mne.stats.permutation_t_test(contrast_array)

    print(sum(p < 0.05))

    # 15 significantly different vertices

    p_bool = p < 0.05

    # get the indices of the significant vertices

    ind = list(np.where(p < 0.05))

    only_sig = contrast_array[:, ind[0]]

    # take mean over first dimension (subjects)

    contrast_mean = np.mean(contrast_array, axis=0)

    # TODO: convert to list comprehension

    # now we mask all the non significant vertices

    mask = []

    for index, value in enumerate(contrast_mean):
        if p_bool[index] == 0:
            t = 0
            t = value

    mask_array = np.array(mask)

    # convert mask back to source space

    stc_masked = mne.SourceEstimate(mask_array,
                                    stc_all[0].vertices, tmin=-0.4,
    # now create the functional label from the masked stc

    beta_label = mne.stc_to_label(stc_masked, src=src,
                                       connected=True, smooth=True)

    # beta label is a list of size 2: first list entry is left hemisphere , second entry is right hemisphere

   # only vertices in rh: 6 labels with with 34 to 301 verices? 

    # convert array back to source estimate structure

    contrast_stc = mne.SourceEstimate(contrast_mean,
                                      stc_all[0].vertices, tmin=tmin,
    # now mask the contrast (first entry in beta label is hemisphere:
    # 0 = lh, 1 = rh, second index is the label to show, ideally show all

    stc_masked = contrast_stc.in_label(beta_label[1][0])

my question is now:
the permutation test over all vertices (8000 something) tells me there are 15 significant vertices. Now the label includes 6 labels in the right hemisphere with 34 to 300 vertices each. How does this work?
Am I missing something or is there something wrong in my code?

Thank you for your help,


ok, so contrast_array is 43 participants x 8196 vertices (and you’ve already collapsed across the time dimension?), and the values are “estimated within-subject difference in power between experimental conditions”.

I think maybe a simpler approach than the one I mentioned before is to skip the whole process of making a label; depending on what you want to do this might not be enough though:

contrast_stc = stc_all[0].copy() = np.where(p < 0.05, contrast_all.mean(axis=0), 0)
# if you need the label object anyway:
# beta_label = mne.stc_to_label(contrast_stc, ...)

I think the reason that the labels have way more vertices than you expect them to have is that the labels are being created from a higher-resolution source space than the one implicitly contained in the STC (because you specified smooth=True). Also, regarding your code comment about “ideally show all labels”: you can combine the 6 RH labels in beta[1] with the + operator, to make one (spatially non-contiguous) label.