Mapping Vertices to multiple Surfaces in Matlab

Hey mne_analysis mailing list participants,

I am writing a program to automatically construct ROIs with MNE data,
comparing wave similarity and spatial locality around central vertices.
For spatial locality I use the real-brain X-Y-Z coordinates but for
visualization in matlab and for other implementations of spatial locality
I would like to convert my coordinates to those of the inflated brain. I
have surface files for the normal and inflated brain but I'm not sure how
to map the coordinates of normal brain vertices to their inflated brain
locations in a way that can be used in Matlab.

Additionally, if anyone is even more amazing, do you know if there is a
way load MNE or freesurfer windows in a Matlab GUI?


Hi Conrad,

I would use the vertex numbers to insure you are still utilizing the same vertices as these don't change. As for displaying in matlab try:
(Check the Brain renderer link).

Good Luck