LCMV vs eLORETA similarity

MNE version: 1.3.0
Operating system: macOS Sonoma 14.3.1

I calculated LCMV beamforming and eLORETA on my MEG data using approximately the same parameters (such as filtering etc). However, I get very different time series plots for the results of LCMV and eLORETA.

My supervisor says the output plots for both methods should look similar when we are using the same filters and create the same epochs, etc. However, I have tried changing various parameters and nothing works, I still get different plots.

Could you please give me an advice on how to deal with this situation?


Some differences are certainly to be expected, as shown in multiple papers, like: M/EEG source localization for both subcortical and cortical sources using a convolutional neural network with a realistic head conductivity model | APL Bioengineering | AIP Publishing. If you look at figure 3 and subsequently the second example, you can see that the activation map for the two is quite different, although the maximum is often at the some location.