Issue with setting a montage

This has nothing to do with the input format: once the data is loaded into MNE, it’s essentially all the same, no matter if the data was originally stored as an EDF or FIFF or BrainVision file on disk.

Once you’ve loaded your raw data, you can use Raw.rename_channels() to fix the channel naming. The method accepts a “callable” (i.e., a function) as first parameter. So let’s write a small function to clean up the channel names for you:

def rename_channel_to_standard(
    orig_name: str
) -> str:
    new_name = (orig_name
                .replace('EEG ', '')
                .replace('-Pz', ''))
    return new_name

You can then pass this function name to rename_channels():

raw = ...  # load your data here

And you’re good! You can verify that the renaming was successful by looking at the channel names:
