Hello all
- MNE version: 1.3.1
- operating system: macOS Ventura 13.3
I’m doing the “Aligning the CT to the MR” using the data of one subject, following the tutorial https://mne.tools/stable/auto_tutorials/clinical/10_ieeg_localize.html#
As the alignment failure occurred, I did a pre-alignment in freeview (use the rotation and translation slide bars to align the CT to the MR) and got the Ita file ‘sub01_CT_aligned_manual.mgz.lta’.
Then did the alignment:
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import mne
subjects_dir = '/Users/ye/freesurfer_recon'
subject = 'sub01'
T1 = nib.load(subjects_dir +'/' + subject +'/mri' +'/T1.mgz')
CT_orig = nib.load('/Users/ye/SEEG/sub01/eleCT/sub01_CT.nii')
manual_reg_affine_vox = mne.read_lta(op.join('/Users/ye/SEEG/sub01/sub01_CT_aligned_manual.mgz.lta'))
manual_reg_affine = \
CT_orig.affine @ np.linalg.inv(manual_reg_affine_vox) \
@ np.linalg.inv(CT_orig.affine)
reg_affine, _ = mne.transforms.compute_volume_registration(CT_orig, T1, pipeline=['rigid'],starting_affine=manual_reg_affine)
CT_aligned = mne.transforms.apply_volume_registration(CT_orig, T1, reg_affine, cval='1%')
But, when I run mne.transforms.compute_volume_registration, an error occurred as follow:
File "/Applications/MNE-Python/.mne-python/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mne/transforms.py", line 1226, in _one_rot_to_quat
raise ValueError('Matrix is not a pure rotation, got determinant != 1')
ValueError: Matrix is not a pure rotation, got determinant != 1
How to solve this error?