Looking at the plot represented above in figure something weird happened.
First because, as anticipated and showed by the below figure, data have been cropped, and should have a total duration of 10 seconds.
I do not understand why the events do not start from second 1, but around second 48.
In addition, it is not clear because now I have only 10 seconds of recording, it does not even reach such a long duration.
I understand that the issue is in “new_events”, as shown below (sample rate was around 150Hz)
Thank you, setting “first_samp=False”, the positions of the events is now fine, as you can see in the upper part of the screenshot.
Neverthelss, while plotting the epochs I get a blank figure (bottom part of the screenshot) and the following error:
"Not setting metadata
Not setting metadata
10 matching events found
Applying baseline correction (mode: mean)
0 projection items activated
Loading data for 10 events and 151 original time points ...
10 bad epochs dropped"
xlim = epoch_times[-1] + len(orig_epoch_times)
IndexError: index -1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
So, at the moment, I’m not able to set epochs.
I’ve also read this post where you @agramfort answered on a similar topic because I was searching for a way to reset the “first samp” that maybe would have fixed the issue on the epochs creation, but I did not understand how to use " RawArray" for this…
What should I do? Thanks in advance