MNE version: 1.7.1
operating system: Windows 10
Dear MNE community,
I am studying EEG data and I am particularly interested in theta and beta bands.
I am using the noise covariance matrix computed from -200ms to 0 in a “baseline” task, without dealing with frequency range, to compute the inverse operator.
In parallel, I compute Morlet TFR for each of my epochs between -100ms to 700ms from the “target” task. This TFR epochs are cropped in theta and beta bands so that I have 2 “…-tfr.h5” files for each subject.
Then I use apply_inverse_tfr_epochs with these epochs_tfr and inverse_operator but I am wondering if this is correct to compute src with an inverse operator containing all the frequencies and epochs_tfr cropped in a specific frequency band? In other word, may should not cropped epochs_tfr in theta and beta band, then compute src with apply_inverse_tfr_epochs and finally crop in specific frequency bands?
Any advice should be very appreciated.
Best regards,