Hello Everyone,
My MNE version: e.g. 0.23.0 and operating system: Windows 10.
I am new to the mne. I would like to preprocess my database, which I download from here (Event-Related Potentials (P300, EEG) - BCI dataset | IEEE DataPort). I working on the P300 Potentials from the EEG signal.
I used the recommeneded steps from the link:
import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne
# To load the data:
# ==============================
import pickle
filename = 'data_allsubjects'
with open(filename, 'rb') as handle:
data = pickle.load(handle)
# Here data is a python list to access first subjects
subject6 = data[5]
""" Output:
<EpochsArray | 3982 events (all good), 0 - 0.585938 sec, baseline off, ~37.0 MB, data loaded,
'neg': 3413
'pos': 569>
# Extract target and nontarget samples as:
target = subject6['pos']
nonTarget = subject6['neg']
This result in the
<EpochsArray | 3975 events (all good), 0 - 0.585938 sec, baseline off, ~36.9 MB, data loaded,
ānegā: 3404
āposā: 571>
Then I split it to the two groups target nad nonTarget
target6 = subject6['pos']
nonTarget6 = subject6['neg']
In my preprocessing I used this Technotes for the referance:
- EEG processing and Event Related Potentials (ERPs) ā MNE 1.0.3 documentation
- Setting the EEG reference ā MNE 1.0.3 documentation
FCz location were used for a reference electrode.
I change the data by using the low-pass filtered at 40 Hz, and a common average reference is set for the EEG channels, stored as a projector
target6.set_eeg_reference('average', projection=True)
However, the result is unreadable
I can olny see result adding the picks=āeegā,scalings=āautoā, but even after that the outcome from the scope is better but still not good for further work, as I want to have the charts not to overlap beetwen each other.
The other issue for that database is that the placement of the sensors is outside of the head which I assume is another thing that need to be corrected.
Kindly please anyone for help with that issues. I can add the database in the therad if ther will be any need for that.
Thank you in advance !