Hi everyone,
Iβd like to turn off the reports of fitting SlidingEstimator, but failed. The verbose = False or verbose = None doesnβt work well. Does anyone know how to turn it off?
Here I attached the reports that Iβd like to close.
100%|ββββββββββββ| Fitting SlidingEstimator : 501/501 [00:01<00:00, 273.28it/s]
100%|ββββββββββββ| Fitting SlidingEstimator : 501/501 [00:01<00:00, 269.08it/s]
100%|ββββββββββββ| Fitting SlidingEstimator : 501/501 [00:01<00:00, 282.90it/s]
100%|ββββββββββββ| Fitting SlidingEstimator : 501/501 [00:01<00:00, 265.86it/s]
61%|ββββββββ | Fitting SlidingEstimator
Here is my code:
from mne.decoding import SlidingEstimator, cross_val_multiscore
cv = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=15, test_size=1/3, random_state=7)
time_decod = SlidingEstimator(clf, n_jobs=1, scoring=βroc_aucβ,verbose=False)
scores = cross_val_multiscore(time_decod, data, y_ds,cv=cv, n_jobs=1)
MNE = 1.0.3; MAC = 10.13.6.
Thanks in advance.