How to plot the results of the permutation_cluster_test for labels

Hello all,
Can you please give me some advice,
I used permutation_cluster_test for source sLORETA time courses.
I extracted activity from a few labels. Now my data looks like number of observations * time points * ROIs.
As far as I understand in this case I have to set adjacency parameter as None?

Can you advise on the subsequent visualisation of the results on the brain surface? I used function “summarize_clusters_stc” which is requires information about the vertices, but in my case there are none (since I have data averaged by labels), and I got an error

→ 1714 n_times, n_vertices = t_obs.shape
1715 if n_vertices != n_vertices_needed:
1716 raise ValueError(
1717 f "Number of cluster vertices ({n_vertices}) did not match the "
1718 f “provided vertices ({n_vertices_needed})”
1719 )

ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

As far as I understand it is possible to apply the function mne.labels_to_stc, but it is not quite clear for me how to use it for visualizing results from permutation_cluster_test. Please, can you help me?

thank you

Have you solved the problem? I encountered a similar one wondering how to deal with that.