- MNE version: e.g. 0.24.0
- operating system: Windows 10
Hello everyone,
I want to integrate all subjects in each group in one graph (as the following picture) to compare the power spectral density of two groups, each groups contains 11 participants.But I don’t know how to do, anyone can help me?
Hello MissDan,
I would suggest to loop over your groups and participants and calculate a PSD using welch or multitaper per participant and group and store the data in a list or numpy array. I use multitaper for estimating PSD and store the data in the format list of subjects with each subject as a an array of epochsxchannelsxfrequencies.
You can plot the PSDs for both groups using this function:
def plot_output(psda, psdb, freqs, cond_a="high", cond_b="low"):
cond = [psda, psdb]
labellist = [cond_a, cond_b]
log_both = []
for index, c in enumerate(cond):
# log transform your data
log = [np.log10(a) for a in c]
#log = [cb - np.mean(cb, axis=0) / np.std(cb, axis=0) for cb in c]
# mean over epochs and channels
log_all = [np.mean(a[:, :, :], axis=(0,1)) for a in log]
#save PSD per subject
#mean over subjects
log_all = np.mean(np.array(log_all), axis=0)
high_sd = np.std(np.array(log_all), axis=0)
plt.plot(freqs, log_all.T, label=labellist[index])
#plot standard deviation as shaded area
#plt.fill_between(freqs, log_all.T - high_sd, log_all.T + high_sd, alpha=0.5)
plt.savefig("psd_mt_Fig2_confhit.svg", dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True)
You should get a figure like this:
I hope this helps.
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It works for me! Thank you very much!!!
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