How to obtain MNI coords using mne.vertex_to_mni (newbie)

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In order to obtain the MNI coordinates of my MEG data, I have to use
Could someone give me an example of its usage?

As for the first argument, how to obtain the vertex numbers of my data? I'm
new in Python. Then, second argument, I can't find what code is right or
left hemisphere. Is there a way to get in one output both hemispheres (=the
whole brain)?

Thank you,

This is the help of the function:

mne.vertex_to_mni(*vertices*, *hemis*, *subject*, *subjects_dir=None*,
*mode=None*, *verbose=None*)

Convert the array of vertices for a hemisphere to MNI coordinates.
Parameters: *vertices* : int, or list of int

Vertex number(s) to convert
*hemis* : int, or list of int

Hemisphere(s) the vertices belong to

Name of the subject to load surfaces from.
*subjects_dir* : string, or None

Path to SUBJECTS_DIR if it is not set in the environment.
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External Email - Use Caution


what do you mean your MEG data?

vertices here are SourceEstimate (aka stc) vertices.
