How to correctly mapping SourceEstimate to brain atlas?

  • MNE version:1.3.0
  • operating system: Ubuntu 18.04
    Hi all,
    I have a problem with mapping SourceEstimate to HCP-MMP atlas. I already got the SourceEstimate(subject=‘fsaverage’,source_spaces from fsaverage-ico-5-src.fif)

stc_fs = mne.read_source_estimate(stc_fs_fname, subject=‘fsaverage’)
fname_src_fsaverage_sur = ‘/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/bem/fsaverage-ico-5-src.fif’
src_fs_sur = mne.read_source_spaces(fname_src_fsaverage_sur)
stc_fs.plot(hemi=‘both’, views=‘axial’, subjects_dir=fs_root,subject=‘fsaverage’)

This is the plot above:

then I try to run the following code to mapping SourceEstimate to HCP-MMP atlas:

labels = mne.read_labels_from_annot(‘fsaverage’, parc=‘HCPMMP1’, subjects_dir=fs_root)
course_mean_flip = mne.extract_label_time_course(stc_fs, labels, src_fs_sur, mode=‘mean_flip’, allow_empty=True)

The course_mean_flip is a numpy.ndarray with size of (360, 1).I plot the course_mean_flip find it is very different from stc_fs :

Is the method I used to map SourceEstimate to MMP atlas correct? Why do the results differ so much? I also checked the course_mean_flip data, all 360 values are not zero, which will activate the entire brain. But why are all 20484 values of not 0, and the plot result values only showing few activation?

One more question, I don’t know the [‘vertno’] meaning in the fsaverage-ico-5-src.fif source space file used by fsaverage. I use mne.read_source_spaces to read this file and get:

<SourceSpaces: [<surface (lh), n_vertices=163842, n_used=10242>, <surface (rh), n_vertices=163842, n_used=10242>] MRI (surface RAS) coords, subject ‘fsaverage’, ~21.9 MB>

SourceSpaces[‘vertno’] is the array([ 0, 1, 2, …, 10239, 10240, 10241]),Why is this index sequential? Why is it not the mapping between 10242 n_vertices vertices to 163842 vertices?
Because I check

labels = mne.read_labels_from_annot(‘fsaverage’, parc=‘HCPMMP1’, subjects_dir=fs_root),

labels[0].vertices is the array([8,23,36, …, 163617, 163618, 163619]). I dont know why the vertno from fsaverage source space and the vertices in fsaverage atlas are inconsistent

I hope someone can help me, I have been troubled for a very long time, thank you very much!

@jshlyz unfortunately, your description is quite volatile and its rather difficult to understand what exactly you are trying to do.

To understand the structure of the SourceEstimate file (.stc), have a look here:

To know more about mne.extract_label_time_course, see the following use case:

To visualize the SourceEstimate object, have a look here:

To plot the parcellation (HCPMMP1), have a look here:

I hope this will help you to navigate your issues in general.


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Hi, where you able to do this at the end? I’m trying to do something similar and I haven’t been able either.