How tfr_morlet function work ? (error with a code that I need to reproduce in mne)

  • MNE version: 1.0.2
  • operating system: macOS Big Sur version 11.6.2

First of all I want to reproduce a result (a code) produce by normal python package, using men package.
So I would like to do a wavelet_morlet analysis to get the phase and then with the phase I can transform it to a complex version (on the unit cercle) by doing np.exp(1j*phase).

> epochsTFR_phase = tfr_morlet(epochs, freqs = freqs, n_cycles = n_cycles, return_itc=False, average=False,output='phase',use_fft = False,zero_mean=True)
>         DA_epochsTFR_phase =  np.transpose(,(2,0,3,1)) ##(nTrials,nSensors,nfreq,nTimes) to (nfeq,nTrials,nTimes,nSensors)
>         DA_epochsTFR_PHcomplex = np.exp(1j*DA_epochsTFR_phase)

Then I plot the cosine similarity (so the ratio between DA_epochsTFR_PHcomplex and my model that is also in complex)

I should have something like that

but I get something like that

The code that I want to reproduce, calculate by “hand” the wavelet like that

>     def make_wavelet_CTS(self,f): #times,sensors for resting state data
>         #one cycle at this frequency times by number of cycles in wavelet
>         fi_range = int(self.p.N_cycles*1000.0/(self.p.freqs[f]*self.p.tdel))
>         #half the wavlet cycles at lowest frequency minus half the wavelet cycles at this frequency
>         PH_pad_at_f =  self.p.PH_unpad_at_minf - int(self.p.N_cycles*500.0/(self.p.freqs[f]*self.p.tdel)) #zero padding at min frequency
>         W = self.hamming(fi_range)
>         f_indexes = []
>         #how many sets of indexes to make? one for each sample in phase
>         for s in range(self.p.PHSamples):
>             #make a list of all data samples that are used in calculating each phase estimate
>             #f_indexes belong to LTSSamples, so we move to the correct sample within TSfile, then pad
>             padded_range = range(s+PH_pad_at_f,s+PH_pad_at_f+fi_range)
>             f_indexes += padded_range
>         streamCTS = self.source
>         lpower = []
>         phase = []
>         for l in progressbar(range(self.p.nTrials), "Doing trial:", self.p.nTrials):
>             lpower_sw = []
>             phase_sw = []
>             streamTS = streamCTS[l,:,:]
>             for s in range(self.p.nSensors):
>                 streamTW = streamTS[f_indexes,s].reshape(self.p.PHSamples,fi_range) #tw
>                 base = streamTW.mean(1) #over w
>                 streamTW = streamTW - base[:,np.newaxis]
>                 t_f = 2.0*np.pi*self.p.N_cycles*np.arange(fi_range)/fi_range
>                 t_phi = np.exp(1j*(t_f)) * W
>                 f_com = streamTW * t_phi[np.newaxis,:]
>                 fourier = f_com.sum(1) #over w
>                 lpower_sw += [np.log10(np.absolute(fourier))[...,np.newaxis]]
>                 phase_sw += [np.angle(fourier)[...,np.newaxis]]
>             lpower += [np.concatenate(lpower_sw,axis=-1)]
>             phase += [np.concatenate(phase_sw,axis=-1)]
>         return np.array(phase),np.array(lpower) #CTS
>     def gaus(self,x,a,x0,sigma):
>         return a*np.exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*sigma**2))
>     def hamming(self,x): #modified to multiple length window to calculate best fit
>         from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
>         if type(x) is int:
>             n = x
>             x = np.arange(n*5)
>         else:
>             n = len(x)*5
>         print('hann window size',n)
>         hann = 0.5*(1.0 - np.cos(2*np.pi*x/(n-1)))
>         mean = sum(x*hann)/n                   
>         sigma = np.sqrt(sum(hann*(x-mean)**2)/n)    
>         popt,pcov = curve_fit(self.gaus,x,hann,p0=[1,mean,sigma])
>         G = self.gaus(x,*popt)
>         return G[3::5] #reduce the resolution of the estimate

I want to have the same output results with men python, unfortunately when I plot the graphics it is far from being the same plots… (only the output of this functions make_wavelet_CTS and tfr_morlet differs)

So I don’t know how to get the same output with tfr_morlet arguments … Maybe the tfr_morlet is not constructed on the same calculation as above ?

Thank you very much for any type of informations !!