Handling multiple events and multiple epochs

Hello everyone,

I am fairly new to MNE and I am trying to extract timeseries from some .set / .fdt files I got from collaborators. Unfortunately it seems they saved them using Matlab EEGLab and I am unable to use Matlab, hence why I use your library (MNE).
Anyway, I’ve tried to read_epochs_eeglab(path_to_set_file) but it returns the following error: RuntimeWarning: At least one epoch has multiple events. Only the latency of the first event will be retained. And inspecting its output returns

Which does seem weird doesn’t it?

The files are available at the following adress: Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

For the reproductibility I used

  • MNE version: 1.18.0
  • operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
  • Reproducible Python code:
import mne 
raw = mne.io.read_epochs_eeglab(path_to_data+'210_20161207_0002eyesOpen_afterICA.set',verbose=True) # This results in the warning above
mne.find_events(raw, stim_channel='T8') # Results in an error, very likely related to the problem I'm mentioning

Thanks in advance!


It doesn’t really seem weird. It’s just a warning which lets you know what an epoch has multiple events and that it will only consider the first one for the t0/tf time range.

mne.find_events can be applied on Raw to find events, not on Epochs, hence the error.
