fNIRS - Single time point for 2 conditions

:question: If you have a question or issue with MNE-Python, please include the following info:

  • MNE version: mne (Python 3.11.7)
  • operating system: Windows 10

I am trying to adapt a code used to analyse an experiment about motor cortex (tapping hands) to use it in an experiment about Prefrontal cortex (image visualization). Here is the already adapted code:

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# # Análise fNIRS
# Script para análise dos experimentos realizados no escopo do projeto Sonhos e regulação emocional.

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# License: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright the MNE-Python contributors.
from IPython.display import clear_output

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from itertools import compress

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

import mne

# pasta onde estão armazenados os dados coletados nos experimentos
fnirs_data_folder = "C:/Users/CogLab/Documents/0_Exp_Brasil_Pasta/DATA/fNIRS Data/NIRSTAR Data"

# caminho completo do conjunto de dados a ser analisado: pasta do arquivo no sistema + nome da pasta do participante
fnirs_cw_amplitude_dir = fnirs_data_folder + "/2024-06-17_013_eu_fNIRS_isolado_Sem_cruz"

raw_intensity = mne.io.read_raw_nirx(fnirs_cw_amplitude_dir, verbose=True)

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# ## Providing more meaningful annotation information
# First, we attribute more meaningful names to the trigger codes which are
# stored as annotations. Second, we include information about the duration of
# each stimulus, which was 5 seconds for all conditions in this experiment.
# Third, we remove the trigger code 15, which signaled the start and end
# of the experiment and is not relevant to our analysis.

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# O parâmetro para a função set_durations é duração da imagem na tela - ou seja, a duração do estímulo.

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#escolhemos 9 segundos como duração do estímulo (1s de estímulo antes da instrução, 2s de instrução, 6s de estímulo após desaparcimento da instrução)
    {"2.0": "Negativo/Visualizar", "4.0": "Negativo/Reavaliar", "8.0": "Neutro"}
unwanted = np.nonzero(raw_intensity.annotations.description == "3.0")
unwanted = np.nonzero(raw_intensity.annotations.description == "6.0")
unwanted = np.nonzero(raw_intensity.annotations.description == "BAD_SATURATED")

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# ## Viewing location of sensors over brain surface
# Here we validate that the location of sources-detector pairs and channels
# are in the expected locations. Source-detector pairs are shown as lines
# between the optodes, channels (the mid point of source-detector pairs) are
# optionally shown as orange dots. Source are optionally shown as red dots and
# detectors as black.

# %%
subjects_dir =  mne.datasets.sample.data_path() /  "subjects"

brain = mne.viz.Brain(
    "fsaverage", subjects_dir=subjects_dir, background="w", cortex="0.5"
    fnirs=["channels", "pairs", "sources", "detectors"],
brain.show_view(azimuth=20, elevation=60, distance=400)

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# ## Selecting channels appropriate for detecting neural responses
# First we remove channels that are too close together (short channels) to
# detect a neural response (less than 1 cm distance between optodes).
# These short channels can be seen in the figure above.
# To achieve this we pick all the channels that are not considered to be short.

# %%
picks = mne.pick_types(raw_intensity.info, meg=False, fnirs=True)
dists = mne.preprocessing.nirs.source_detector_distances(
    raw_intensity.info, picks=picks
raw_intensity.pick(picks[dists > 0.01])
    n_channels=len(raw_intensity.ch_names), duration=500, show_scrollbars=False

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# ## Converting from raw intensity to optical density
# The raw intensity values are then converted to optical density.

# %%
raw_od = mne.preprocessing.nirs.optical_density(raw_intensity)
raw_od.plot(n_channels=len(raw_od.ch_names), duration=500, show_scrollbars=False)

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# ## Evaluating the quality of the data
# At this stage we can quantify the quality of the coupling
# between the scalp and the optodes using the scalp coupling index. This
# method looks for the presence of a prominent synchronous signal in the
# frequency range of cardiac signals across both photodetected signals.
# In this example the data is clean and the coupling is good for all
# channels, so we will not mark any channels as bad based on the scalp
# coupling index.

# %%
sci = mne.preprocessing.nirs.scalp_coupling_index(raw_od)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(layout="constrained")
ax.set(xlabel="Scalp Coupling Index", ylabel="Count", xlim=[0, 1])

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# In this example we will mark all channels with a SCI less than 0.5 as bad
# (this dataset is quite clean, so no channels are marked as bad).

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raw_od.info["bads"] = list(compress(raw_od.ch_names, sci < 0.5))

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# Now we're gonna plot the bad channels in two images: one is the signals, and the other is the channels represented on the head.

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raw_od.copy().pick(range(20)).plot(duration=300, n_channels=len(raw_od.ch_names), clipping=None)

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (6, 6) # (w, h)

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# At this stage it is appropriate to inspect your data
# (for instructions on how to use the interactive data visualisation tool
# see `tut-visualize-raw`)
# to ensure that channels with poor scalp coupling have been removed.
# If your data contains lots of artifacts you may decide to apply
# artifact reduction techniques as described in `ex-fnirs-artifacts`.

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# ## Converting from optical density to haemoglobin
# Next we convert the optical density data to haemoglobin concentration using
# the modified Beer-Lambert law.

# %%
raw_haemo = mne.preprocessing.nirs.beer_lambert_law(raw_od, ppf=0.1)
raw_haemo.plot(n_channels=len(raw_haemo.ch_names), duration=500, show_scrollbars=False)

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# ## Removing heart rate from signal
# The haemodynamic response has frequency content predominantly below 0.5 Hz.
# An increase in activity around 1 Hz can be seen in the data that is due to
# the person's heart beat and is unwanted. So we use a low pass filter to
# remove this. A high pass filter is also included to remove slow drifts
# in the data.

# %%
raw_haemo_unfiltered = raw_haemo.copy()
raw_haemo.filter(0.05, 0.7, h_trans_bandwidth=0.2, l_trans_bandwidth=0.02)
for when, _raw in dict(Before=raw_haemo_unfiltered, After=raw_haemo).items():
    fig = _raw.compute_psd().plot(
        average=True, amplitude=False, picks="data", exclude="bads"
    fig.suptitle(f"{when} filtering", weight="bold", size="x-large")

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# ## Extract epochs
# Now that the signal has been converted to relative haemoglobin concentration,
# and the unwanted heart rate component has been removed, we can extract epochs
# related to each of the experimental conditions.
# First we extract the events of interest and visualise them to ensure they are
# correct.

# %%
events, event_dict = mne.events_from_annotations(raw_haemo)
fig = mne.viz.plot_events(events, event_id=event_dict, sfreq=raw_haemo.info["sfreq"])

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# Next we define the range of our epochs, the rejection criteria,
# baseline correction, and extract the epochs. We visualise the log of which
# epochs were dropped.

# %%
reject_criteria = dict(hbo=80e-6) #O valor original era reject criteria = dict(hbo=80e-6)
#-2: 2 segundos antes de aparecer a imagem
#9: 9 segundos após o evento
# 25: 9 segundos de imagem, 4 de tempo estimado do SAM, 12 de ITI = 25
tmin, tmax = -2, 9

epochs = mne.Epochs(
    #baseline=(10, 40),
    baseline=(-2, -1),

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# ## View consistency of responses across trials
# Now we can view the haemodynamic response for our condition.
# We visualise the response for both the oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin, and
# observe the expected peak in HbO at around 6 seconds consistently across
# trials, and the consistent dip in HbR that is slightly delayed relative to
# the HbO peak.

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    ts_args=dict(ylim=dict(hbo=[-15, 15], hbr=[-15, 15])),

# %%
    ts_args=dict(ylim=dict(hbo=[-15, 15], hbr=[-15, 15])),

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# We can also view the epoched data for the control condition and observe
# that it does not show the expected morphology.

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    ts_args=dict(ylim=dict(hbo=[-15, 15], hbr=[-15, 15])),

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# ## View consistency of responses across channels
# Similarly we can view how consistent the response is across the optode
# pairs that we selected. All the channels in this data are located over the
# prefrontal cortex, and all channels show a similar pattern in the data.

# %%
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=2, figsize=(20, 8), layout="constrained")
clims = dict(hbo=[-30, 30], hbr=[-30, 30])

# Plotagem das condições nos subplots
epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average().plot_image(axes=axes[0, :], clim=clims)
epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average().plot_image(axes=axes[1, :], clim=clims)
epochs["Neutro"].average().plot_image(axes=axes[2, :], clim=clims)

# Definição dos títulos para cada gráfico
conditions = ["Negativo/Visualizar", "Negativo/Reavaliar", "Neutro"]
for row, condition in enumerate(conditions):
    for ax in axes[row, :]:
        old_title = ax.get_title()
        title = "{}: {}".format(condition, old_title)

# Exibição do gráfico

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# ## Plot standard fNIRS response image
# Next we generate the most common visualisation of fNIRS data: plotting
# both the HbO and HbR on the same figure to illustrate the relation between
# the two signals.

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mne

evoked_dict = {
    "Neg_Vis/HbO": epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average(picks="hbo"),
    "Neg_Vis/HbR": epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average(picks="hbr"),
    "Neg_Rea/HbO": epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average(picks="hbo"),
    "Neg_Rea/HbR": epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average(picks="hbr"),
    "Neu/HbO": epochs["Neutro"].average(picks="hbo"),
    "Neu/HbR": epochs["Neutro"].average(picks="hbr"),

# Rename channels until the encoding of frequency in ch_name is fixed
for condition in evoked_dict:
    evoked_dict[condition].rename_channels(lambda x: x[:-4])

# Define cores para cada condição
color_dict = {
    "Neg_Vis/HbO": "#8B0000",   # Vermelho escuro
    "Neg_Vis/HbR": "#FF6347",   # Vermelho claro
    "Neg_Rea/HbO": "#006400",   # Verde escuro
    "Neg_Rea/HbR": "#98FB98",   # Verde claro
    "Neu/HbO": "#00008B",       # Azul escuro
    "Neu/HbR": "#87CEFA"        # Azul claro

# Plot compare evokeds
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
    evoked_dict, combine="mean", ci=0.95, colors=color_dict, axes=ax, show=False

# Ajuste a legenda para ter 2 linhas e 3 colunas na parte superior da figura
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
ax.legend(handles, labels, ncol=3, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.15), fontsize='small')


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# ## View topographic representation of activity (Oxyhemoglobin)
# Next we view how the topographic activity changes throughout the response (Oxyhemoglobin only)

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# Define times within the valid range of your data (Os números abaixo são, respectivamente, o tempo mínimo e o tempo máximo a ser plotado, além do intervalo para plotar mais uma cabeça)
times = np.arange(-2, 9, 2.0)

# Now, use these corrected times in your plotting function
topomap_args = dict(extrapolate="local")
    times=times, topomap_args=topomap_args, title="Negativo/Visualizar_Hbo"
    times=times, topomap_args=topomap_args, title="Negativo/Reavaliar_Hbo"
    times=times, topomap_args=topomap_args, title="Neutro_Hbo"

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# ## Compare tapping of left and right hands
# Finally we generate topo maps for the left and right conditions to view
# the location of activity. First we visualise the HbO activity.

# %%
times = np.arange(-2.0, 9.0, 1.0)
epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average(picks="hbo").plot_topomap(times=times, **topomap_args)
epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average(picks="hbo").plot_topomap(times=times, **topomap_args)
epochs["Neutro"].average(picks="hbo").plot_topomap(times=times, **topomap_args)

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# And we also view the HbR activity for the two conditions.

# %%
epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average(picks="hbr").plot_topomap(times=times, **topomap_args)
epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average(picks="hbr").plot_topomap(times=times, **topomap_args)
epochs["Neutro"].average(picks="hbr").plot_topomap(times=times, **topomap_args)

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# And we can plot the comparison at a single time point for two conditions.

# %%
fig, axes = plt.subplots(
    figsize=(9, 5),
    gridspec_kw=dict(width_ratios=[1, 1, 1, 0.1]),
vlim = (-8, 8)
ts = 6.0

evoked_left = epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average()
evoked_right = epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average()
evoked_right = epochs["Neutro"].average()

    ch_type="hbo", times=ts, axes=axes[0, 0], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbr", times=ts, axes=axes[1, 0], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbo", times=ts, axes=axes[0, 1], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbr", times=ts, axes=axes[1, 1], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args

evoked_diff = mne.combine_evoked([evoked_left, evoked_right], weights=[1, -1])

    ch_type="hbo", times=ts, axes=axes[0, 2:], vlim=vlim, colorbar=True, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbr", times=ts, axes=axes[1, 2:], vlim=vlim, colorbar=True, **topomap_args

for column, condition in enumerate(["Negativo_Visualizar", "Negativo_Reavaliar", "Visuazlizar-Reavaliar"]):
    for row, chroma in enumerate(["HbO", "HbR"]):
        axes[row, column].set_title("{}: {}".format(chroma, condition))

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# Lastly, we can also look at the individual waveforms to see what is
# driving the topographic plot above.

# %%
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(6, 4), layout="constrained")
    epochs["Visualizar"].average(picks="hbo"), color="b", axes=axes, legend=False
    epochs["Reavaliar"].average(picks="hbo"), color="r", axes=axes, legend=False

# Tidy the legend:
leg_lines = [line for line in axes.lines if line.get_c() == "b"][:1]
leg_lines.append([line for line in axes.lines if line.get_c() == "r"][0])
fig.legend(leg_lines, ["Visualizar", "Reavaliar"], loc="lower right")

Now i want to plot a comparision between two conditions. This is what i already adapted:

fig, axes = plt.subplots(
    figsize=(9, 5),
    gridspec_kw=dict(width_ratios=[1, 1, 1, 0.1]),
vlim = (-8, 8)
ts = 6.0

evoked_left = epochs["Negativo/Visualizar"].average()
evoked_right = epochs["Negativo/Reavaliar"].average()

    ch_type="hbo", times=ts, axes=axes[0, 0], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbr", times=ts, axes=axes[1, 0], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbo", times=ts, axes=axes[0, 1], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbr", times=ts, axes=axes[1, 1], vlim=vlim, colorbar=False, **topomap_args

evoked_diff = mne.combine_evoked([evoked_left, evoked_right], weights=[1, -1])

    ch_type="hbo", times=ts, axes=axes[0, 2:], vlim=vlim, colorbar=True, **topomap_args
    ch_type="hbr", times=ts, axes=axes[1, 2:], vlim=vlim, colorbar=True, **topomap_args

for column, condition in enumerate(["Negativo_Visualizar", "Negativo_Reavaliar", "Visualizar-Reavaliar"]):
    for row, chroma in enumerate(["HbO", "HbR"]):
        axes[row, column].set_title("{}: {}".format(chroma, condition))

However, the functions “evoked_left”, “evoked_right” and “evoked diff” are too specific for the original experiment envolving the movement of two hands. So i don’t know how to adapt them. The image is not being plotted, because i am using functions which don’t fit to my experiment.

Hello @Taina and welcome to the forum!

Posting super long snippets of code will unfortunately reduce your chances of getting a helpful response. Please, try to only post relevant bits of code with concrete questions. This will make it more likely that someone here will find the time to help!

Best wishes,