Export mixed source space to nifti

Hello, can't find a way to do this. Found an old thread that talks about
"updated MixedSourceEstimate.export_volumes_to_nifti to include an option
to export the surface activations as well" at
https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/pull/1462 . However, I can't find
documentation on using it, and it doesn't work if I try to use it
'MixedSourceEstimate' object has no attribute 'export_volumes_to_nifti').
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Lori

Dear Lori,

presently in MNE there is no function to export a surface activation
to a volume.

mri_surf2vol in freesurfer would be my approach but it would need
the high resolution activation as input.

please open an issue at : https://github.com/mne-tools/mne-python/issues

so you know when we implement this.


In the meantime, the code necessary to put a surface source estimate into a
NIfTI volume is in a work-in-progress pull request here:



Thank you for the replies. I previously figured out a (cumbersome) way of
getting a surface from stc into nifti, but really need a way to get the
mixed source space in. I will keep working on it. Best, Lori